Additional Literature GIVING & SHARING is a non-profit mail-order bookstore serving Sabbath-observers around the world. We carry most Bibles and Christian religious books in print. Write for our most recent order blank. Major publications of Giving & Sharing include: Bible Studies, 350-page book, free. Biblical Holy Days, write for more information. What Should We Be Doing?, 32 pages, free. Biblical Health and Healing, 138 pages, free. Biblical Doctrine, Fundamentals of Belief and Analysis of the Doctrines of Various Sabbath-Keeping Groups, 122 pages, suggested donation, $3.00. Biblical Law, 140 pages, suggested donation, $4.00. Biblical Marriage and Family, free. History of the Seventh Day Church of God, Volume I, 256 pages, suggested donation, $9.50. Six Papers on the History of the Church of God, 354 pages, suggested donation, $14.00. Basic Bible Study Tools, free. We are Sabbath Keepers, Not Seventh Day Adventists, free. Herbert W. Armstrong: 1892-1986, $1.00. Newsletters, Book Reviews, free. Giving & Sharing PO Box 100 Neck City, MO 64849